IRITAQS’ brochure launching ceremony held on 29th April 2021 Thursday at Jamia Jalaliyya Mundakulam was one among noteworthy event from the series of IRITAQ events. The event blessed and prospered with the presence of intellectuals, religious leaders and philanthropist. Since the project includes academic council, academic senate and world ulema council with an executive governing body, these four functions as significant pillars of the entire project. The governing body incorporate 100 philanthropist who can contribute 1 lakh rupees. It is also decided that the August 23 of this year will witness a complete proclamation of the body at Calicut.
The speakers of the ceremony cheerfully remembered some of the philanthropist who always stay at a distance of call and connect with this endeavour without any delay. The ceremony remembered them with gratitude and pleasure. The programme speculated about the late scholar Shamsul Ulama Aboobacker Musliyar whose idea occupied as an engrossment to go forward and work with current Idea. The speakers of the ceremony also reflected on mentioning about the disfigurement that occurred to Quran especially by Jews and atheists.